Hotel Zelená Lagúna

Hotel Zelená Lagúna is situated on the shores of one of the cleanest bodies of water in Slovakia – the Veľká Domaša Dam. The exceptional location and unique architecture of the hotel will turn your family vacation, wedding, or celebration into an unforgettable experience. The harmonious environment that surrounds the hotel with aromatic forests is also a perfect place for business meetings, conferences, and team building sessions. Treat yourself to a perfectly pleasant experience.

Valentínske menu

Prekvapte svoju lásku a oslávte spoločne sviatok zamilovaných pri romantickej večeri a svetle sviečok.

Veľkonočný pobyt

Strávte Veľkú noc s nami!
Čaká Vás pravá veľkonočná atmosféra, bohatý animačný program,
kopec zážitkov a tradičných veľkonočných špecialít.

Prázdninový pobyt

Užite si jarné prázdniny plné oddychu a pohody. Doprajte si krásne chvíle v kruhu rodiny, strávené v pokojnom prostredí obklopenom prírodou.

Degustácia cognacov

Doprajte si výnimočný zážitok a spoznajte s nami svet exkluzívnych chutí a vôní jedného z najušľachtilejších destilátov -cognacu.

Degustácia tokajských putňových vín

Doprajte si výnimočný zážitok a spoznajte s nami sladký svet výnimočných chutí a vôní tokajských putňových vín.

Romantická výzdoba izby

Prekvapte svoju milovanú osobu jedinečným darčekom v podobe romantickej výzdoby

Hotel amenities

Accessible location

The hotel is easily accessible from Košice International Airport, and also by regular public transport. Individual transport may be organised upon request.

Water sports

Swimming, fishing, or yachting. The crystal clear lake is a paradise for all water sports enthusiasts and also provides safe swimming conditions for children.

Conferences and celebrations

Perfect spaces for weddings, conferences, or team building events. The hotel can be quickly adapted to any requirements.

Activities in the area

Take a walk in the surrounding woods or visit the many unique wooden churches, castles, and the Dukla Pass national cultural monument. We also recommend visiting the Andy Warhol Museum.

World-class cuisine

The hotel’s cuisine focuses on fresh, premium-quality ingredients with an emphasis on the tastes of the region. A sensibly and tastefully assembled menu will satisfy even gourmets with the highest expectations.


We will pamper you. Utter relaxation for the body and mind can be found in our saunas, massages, procedures, and pools, where you can also enjoy freshly squeezed fruit juices.